Wednesday, 28 May 2014







Tuesday, 27 May 2014

我們怎樣認出靈魂的内在聲音呢? How can we recognise the voice of our soul?



今天早上,無意中看到 Vivekanand分享Swamiji回答的答案,哈哈,你看,Sobana,Swamiji解答了我們的疑惑。太妙了!感恩!

Question : Sometimes we are placed in situations where we can’t understand which is the voice of our soul. We receive guidance about several people at the same time, so how can we recognise the voice of our soul?

Answer : It’s not like that. If you have surrendered to one Guru only – the word for it is infinite faith – then you’ll never hear ten different voices. The fact that you can hear several voices means that your chitta is divided. It is divided in 10 different places; we believe in 10 ten different people. It means that we are connected to 10 different places, and we are absorbing energy from 10 different places. Thus if you behave like this, what will happen is that you won’t get a whole rupee from any place. We place surrender worth 10 paisa (1/10th rupee) in all places and expect one rupee’s worth in return. How will that be possible? You will get one rupee’s worth when you make an offering of one rupee at some place.

Similarly, when we concentrate everything we possess only in one place, we’ll get 100% results; otherwise you’ll keep on getting such voices. Then you’ll continue to get confused about whether this is right or that is right. Therefore get connected to one collectivity only with a feeling of full concentration. Look! You can get connected to any medium; but get connected to that completely, to any one place. You get connected to 10 different places and then you get disturbed and it does not yield any results.

Sadguru Shree Shivkrupanand Swamiji

* God has given us so many good things but we do not realize it. Why do we keep complaining about sorrows?

* Learn to appreciate the God’s gifts in your life. This will give you a positive outlook.

* Spiritual progress gets adversely affected if we keep complaining.

* However do not loose your mental peace (balance) at any cost.
You should not allow small incidents, minor discords to disturb Your peace of mind. You must remain balanced.
Peace of mind will result in state of spiritual balance and as a result everything will be all right.
Article's link 



Monday, 26 May 2014




 A great master was sitting on the seashore, on the beach, and a man who was seeking for truth came to him, touched his feet and asked, "If I am not disturbing you, I would like to do anything you suggest which can help me to find the truth."

The master simply closed his eyes and remained silent. The man shook his head. He said in his own mind, "This man seems to be crazy. I am asking him a question and he is closing his eyes." He shook the man and said, "What about my question?"

The master said, "I answered it. Just sit silently... don't do anything, and the grass grows by itself. You need not bother about it—everything will happen. You just sit silently, enjoy silence."

The man said, "Can you give it a name—because people will be asking me, "What are you doing?"

So he wrote on the sand with his finger: meditation.

The man said, "This is too short an answer. Be a little more elaborate."

The master wrote in big letters: MEDITATION.

The man said, "But these are simply big letters. You are writing the same thing."

The old master said, "If I say more than that, then it will be wrong. If you can understand, then just do what I have told you and you will know."

Friday, 23 May 2014

独处是一门美丽的自修 2014



是走向自己 不是走向别人
是看见别人的繁华 迎向自己的光华
你不懂你的爱情生活为何一路走来跌跌撞撞伤痕累累?为何寻寻觅觅到现在仍然形影孤单?你常对着老天问 「你在哪里?」「你何时出现?」无论你是否相信人本来是阴阳合一的个体,终其一生都在追寻失落的另一半,你仍然在内心深处相信终有一天会遇见你注定的那一半、终生伴侣、灵魂伴侣。

很多人问我很多很多的 「为什么?
我不快乐, 因为我始终遇不到我的灵魂伴侣……….
我不快乐, 因为我和目前伴侣有很多问题不能达到共识……….
我不快乐, 因为我结婚的另一半不是我的最爱, 我错过了我的灵魂伴侣,
你了解自己对爱情的信念吗?你清楚自己的人格特质吗?你知道自己要找什么样的伴侣吗?爱情,能让你幸福;爱情,也能让你心碎。打破「有个唯一的灵魂伴侣在 世界一角等着我去寻找」的想法,幸福,是一种心态;一种领悟;是道路本身,不是终点。人之所以要找一个亲密的伴侣,是因为我们害怕一个人,害怕面对自己的 寂寞吗?

在你开始找到一双合脚的鞋子前, 请先学习与自己独处。 不要因为寂寞去约会,不要因为孤独去结婚,因为要接受及给予而去爱,去热烈地爱, 去拥抱生命的光与热, 去品尝生命的苦涩与甜美,去活出你的光采,那么你就在幸福中,而不是去追寻幸福。 抱持着这种心态,你就能跳幸福的双人舞,彻底解放,自由自在地遨游于天地间!

广义观点宇宙中每个人都是你的灵魂伴侣。 在我们这一生中遇到的灵魂伴侣不尽然是你的恋人或配偶。 
究竟观点我们的灵魂伴侣并不是我们灵魂的一半,同样的,我们也不是我们灵魂伴侣的另一半, 我们都是完整的灵魂,我们是自性圆满的。 我们终其一生向外寻寻觅觅的灵魂伴侣,就是在外在世界里寻找另一个自己。 那个从你内心投射出来的影像, 他是你的影子, 也是你的镜子。找不到自己,哪里找得到灵魂伴侣?你连自己都不爱, 如何奢求别人来爱你?


真正的幸福是 - 你可以与自己谈恋爱,让内在男人与内在女人结婚。有一个人陪伴到老,很美满;没有一个人牵手到老,也很圆满,因为你本具足,你是合一 oneness 你是过去、 现在、 未来的倒影 reflection 你的肉体是波浪,是幻相illusion 你的灵魂是大海,是实相 reality

2014-01-09 改写


一个真爱妳的人,会让妳在他手中绽放, 不会让妳枯萎


昨天与一位半年没碰面的女友Z碰面, 不敢相信这是我认识的她。五年来哪怕是他失恋情伤也都没这么面容憔悴过。 五年来Z总是遇到不珍惜她的男人, 一段又一段的情伤, 我问Z:「妳找什么?」 她说:「我在找【家】的感觉, 却没有一个人可以给我。」我这位女友童年有点凄凉,爹不疼娘不爱的。到现在离婚独自带两个儿子,大年除夕夜,娘家早已不给她留个年夜饭的位子。

幽怨地说:「 我自己照镜子,不敢相信与 L 才相恋不到半年就老成这样, 眼袋、 黑眼圈都冒出来了, 最重要的是我心力交瘁,非常不快乐!

说着开始诉说她目前的困境,那位传说中年过五十依然风流倜傥的男友,是个外表文质彬彬、 谦冲有礼的男子, 在北京开一家公司, 所有人见到他都会劝我这位女友要好好把握。

1.          Z已经搬去与他同居两个月了, 这位男子L还不愿对外承认她是他女朋友, 所有公开应酬或朋友聚会不愿带她一起去参加。

2.          每天挑剔她, 睫毛太短、 头发太毛、 脸不够细致、 吃东西有声音、 走路难看等等,搞得她愈来愈没自信。

3.          吵架时会动怒叫她滚出去。

4.          L会跟她说:「以前我女友可是全乡里男人最梦寐以求的女人啊!」经常拿Z与之比较 ZL说请尊重她的感受, L 回嘴说:「 我说的是事实啊! 是妳自己太敏感。」

Z的一位女友说:「 这有甚么好大惊小怪的, 我也是这样对我老公的,生气的时候叫他滚出去,是把妳当亲人才会口没遮拦, 这有甚么?」

Z的另一位天才女友更说:「唷! 当年我还不费尽心机把我老公骗到手,比我小五岁, 单纯没啥社会经验,他母亲百般给我脸色看 我硬是吞下去 我离了婚带个孩子, 不赶紧抓住 我还找谁嫁啊?我要的就是这个男人 为达目的不择手段 就投其所好吧? 去种个睫毛、 擦指甲油, 把自己打扮得漂亮亮的, 等到他为妳痴迷了, 到时再看情形是否把他甩掉吧!」

我看着Z新种的睫毛, 新擦得亮晶晶的指甲油, 一脸的幽怨。
我笑着说:「 亲爱的,妳女朋友教妳的都是爱情策略, 如果妳的核心信念没转换, 是不可能改变这种爱情地图的。」

l   一个男人对妳还有迟疑时,不会轻易把妳公诸于世,他对妳还处于观望期。
l   一个男人不够爱妳时,才会挑剔妳的不是,尤其是批评父母给妳的天生长相, 这是改变不了的事实,他没有全然接纳妳,不接纳就不会有真爱
l   一个男人对妳没有承诺时,才会在恋爱蜜月期动不动就叫妳滚。
l   一个人一个命,如果妳只学那些女友教妳的爱情攻略,而不去提升妳的自我价值感,下一个男人不会更好。
l   如果妳连自己都不珍爱, 谁会珍惜妳?
l   如果真的看重自己的价值,妳不会让任何一个男人轻易地践踏妳的花园。
l   有的人陪伴妳一段人生路程。伴侣缘聚惜缘,缘散,随缘,聚散有天意,在一起时用心珍惜,缘去祝福他安好妳尽心尽力就好



Wednesday, 21 May 2014


去年的衛塞節我在印度度過,今年的衛塞節在家度過,這一天也同樣讓自己過得充實快樂。靜心和閲讀是我獨處時最愛做的事。衛塞節那天,看Samarpan Yog時看到以下的一段話,覺得蠻有意思的,除了記下來提醒自己也希望跟有緣人分享。


 我坐在火車上思考,想象我的生命就像一本書, 這本書是打開以及空白的。每一個人都填寫書的一頁然後離開。當一個好人來到,他們會在書頁裏寫下好的東西;當一個壞人來到,他們會在書頁裏寫下不好的東西。現在,我不曉得有多少人會出現在我的生命中,他們會在書頁(我的生命)裏填寫好的以及不好的事情。現在取決於我要讀生命的哪一頁,是否是好的一頁或是不好的一頁。如果我讀好的那一頁,我會快樂如果我讀不好的那一,我會難過。這兩頁都存在我的生命裏,永遠保留在裏面。但是問題是我會選擇讀哪一頁。我覺得整個生命中最主要的事,就是這個讀哪一頁的選擇。但我在心理上,已經決定只看我生命中,寫上好事情的那一頁;而我也將在別人的書裏,留下好的印象。在這裡,不管我是否還活著,是沒有分別的。這些印象會永遠保留在人們的書裏,而他們也會因爲讀了好東西而開心。如果人們快樂,我也會因爲可以成爲給與別人快樂的媒介而開心。我無法掌控別人在我生命書頁裏寫些什麽。任何人都可以來到,寫下任何他們所想的;至於在別人的書里寫些什麽,卻在我手中。我將只寫讓人覺得開心的内容。

In life, there are several people who come and go, but some people leave lasting impressions in a short while; and those impressions are permanent. They remain with us all our life. We meet some good people and they leave behind a good impression, but bad people leave behind a bad impression.

I was seated in the train and thought - imagine that my life is like an open book, a book which is open and empty too. Every individual fills the book with his pages and then leaves. When good people come, they write good things in it; when bad people come, they write bad things in it. And now in my life, I don't know how many people will come; and they will fill the pages in the book that is my life, with some good things and some bad things. Now it depends on me which pages of my life I read; whether I will read the good pages or the bad pages, I will be happy if I read the good pages and sad if I read the bad pages. Both kinds of pages are present in the book that is my life and will always remain in it. But the question is of which pages I select to read. I felt as if the essence of one's whole life is in selecting what one should read. But I had mentally decided that I would read only the pages about good things in my life and I would leave the good impressions will always remain. It makes no difference whether I remain alive or not. But these impressions will always remain in the books of other people and people will be happy after reading the same. If people are happy, then I too will be happy that I could become a medium and give happiness to others. What will be written in the book in the form of my life is not my hands, Anyone can come and write whatever he desires, But what is to be written in other people's books is in my hands; and I will write only that, so that people can be happy.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014





愛與感動無所不在。。。 5

Monday, 12 May 2014






Question : Most Gurus begin life like ordinary persons, and then they move towards luxuries and enjoyment in life. Why is this so?

Answer : Even an ordinary human obtains luxuries and comforts in his life; therefore Paramatma will surely make the remaining portion of the life of a person who has surrendered his entire life - first of all in quest of Paramatma, and then in conveying the knowledge to each and every human being, very much easier with the best instruments of comfort, whether he lives in the jungle or in society.
I used to obtain the best fruits even in the jungle quite easily, and I receive the best even in society because sadhaks believe that Swamiji should first receive whatever is the best in life and then it should come to them.
I live with all these excellent luxurious articles and yet I’m not in them. It makes no difference to me whether they are present or not. Even today I wish to return into the lap of the Himalayas. Wealth and riches is a by-product of meditation. The saint has wealth and riches but he is not present in them.