Monday, 28 October 2013

Dharshan from Jangli Baba

開心得知Jangli Baba來新加坡,也很慶幸自己能出席24/10/13晚上的唱誦拜讚歌和達顯(Bhajans and Dharsan)儀式。


當Jangli Baba進來時,突然感覺冷能量,能量真的很強啊!  Swamiji說得真好,有聖人的地方,你特別容易感覺很強的能量。

接下來就是由Sathiyamai講解關於靈魂的課題。(大我,内在的神性,佛性...)*O:-) angel  







7 唯有透過靜心,進入内在,達到自我覺醒,你才能得到解脫。




The other day, a couple of us went to receive guru dakshan at a temple in Singapore. There was a lot of bhajan singing for awhile and the energy there was incredible. We all just sat down and experienced the energy. 

Soon after, Jangli baba came in and the energy became even more intense. The vibrations were very strong and we started feeling cold immediately. He didn't talk that evening but he asked her disciple, Sathiyamai to say a few words. And these are the following things that she said that evening regarding the soul and its importance:

1. Our soul is immortal. Within us, love, light, joy and everything exists infinitely together with the soul. Our body is perishable. If you want to feel love, lightness and joy, it's all inside you because inside is everything. Our body is our temple and our soul - we - are our god inside. So we don't need to look elsewhere for god. Not the temples and everything. Just look inside and face yourself.

2. Even if you move around the whole world, your body moves but your soul always with you. So, you can go anywhere because if you're connected to your soul, you will always be blessed. Our soul knows everything we need and where we need to go.

3. We always request for things outside that we don't need. But they are all perishable. What we have inside is forever and immortal but we haven't looked inside. We should look inside. Don't ask anything for yourself because you, your soul doesn't need anything materialistic at all.

4. We have to ask ourselves, "Who is our owner?" We have to ask "Who am I ?"and "What's my purpose?" Because in a bigger sense, this world is not where we belong, and our purpose here is to go back to where we belong by going on an internal journey.

5. Everything in this world and the universe, even the gods and goddesses are all made up of the soul. The soul is our timeless boss and it's everyone around and in us.

6. If you go within, you can absorb the universal energy and wouldn't need to be search for material comforts and attachments to seek happiness for yourself. This is why some people can have everything from money to status and houses but they still feel uneasy and empty inside because they haven't seeked within. They haven't experienced the energy of the universe or god and feel very far from themselves.

7. Don't ask anything for yourself because you don't need it. Your soul is happy if you're willing to take the journey in because that's where abundance of everything lies.

8. It is only with meditation that you can go within and get true liberation. 

9. We always say we need guru darshan but how would you get that? You need to go inward and meditate. That's how you'll get it because the blessing is inside. When you go inside yourself, say "Please bless me" because all of the blessings is within you. Picture your guru or the lotus feet in your mind and you slowly say "please bless me," and you'll be blessed and receive darshan.

It was a lovely and soul enriching session that was very timely for me to attend. Thank you to Wai Ling for inviting me to attend this event. So much bliss. Bless all our souls and may we always follow the voices of our souls to go back to where we belong - within.

Jai baba swami,

 Pure and Holy soul ~ Sathiyamai  *O:-) angel

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