Thursday 14 November 2013

是否可以教導小孩靜心?Can small children be taught to meditate ?


Question: Can small children be taught to meditate ?
Answer: Certainly. If the child can sit regularly (and practise meditation), daily for 15 minutes right from his childhood, he will benefit more. His level of concentration will increase. He will be mentally stable and his restlessness will decrease. He will be able to concentrate fully on whatever he is doing, be it study or play. Thus he will perform better in studies with less effort and will improve his memory. He will always be cheerful and content. He will not cry and be upset over little things. He will be satisfied and happy with whatever he gets. If all the members of the family meditate, then there will not be any need to visit any (outside) temple as the home itself will turn into a temple. The vibrations in the house will suddenly improve. The whole family will experience joy, peace and happiness.

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