Friday, 29 May 2015









我也發現事情發生在我身上的都是好的。當事情發生了,我們會覺得幸運,或許這是命運,但是當很多地事情發生很頻密時,我相信真的有神聖的力量圍繞我們。我有任何問題,都能得到解答。不知何故你就會直接或間接得到答案。就如去年十二月,我去果亞的靜心中心(Goa Ashram)參加國際靜心營,在靜心營之前我有4個問題,在靜心營期間多加2個問題,我嘗試尋找答案,神奇的是我沒有詢問任何人這6個問題,但卻得到了我要的答案。


It has been more than a year since I joined Samarpan Meditation. I came to know of Samarpan Meditation through the internet with the aim of trying out meditation out of curiosity, it appealed to me because Samarpan Meditation was free and it was easy. And during the 8 days video shibir, I was surprised to find out that some of Swamiji’s idea and views were the same as mine. It is quite unbelievable because initially I had the mentality of only trying it out and that’s it, but now I find myself being a part of Samarpan family and I just feel so connected to this family. 

One of the major changes in me that I realized is that I do not get affected by emotion easily; emotions such as anger do not get “hooked” onto me for long. My temper used to be bad and I used to be angry over issue for a very long time, however after meditation, even though there are times where I would get angry, the anger doesn’t stay with me for long. I also find that I am able to re-balance myself and prevent myself from being swayed by emotions. 

Meditation also helps me to look at an event based on different angles. Before meditation I am always looking at an event based on my self’s interest, where every outcome had to be based on my way. By looking at different angle, the feeling of self-interest and expectation are reduced, and when all these are reduced, I find that I am able to stay balanced rather than feeling disappointed or angry at how didn’t things go according to my way.

I also realized that things are falling into place for me nicely. Sometimes when things fall into place, we feel that we are lucky or perhaps it is fated, however when it is happening for me on so many occasions and so frequently, I just believe that indeed there are divine powers around all of us. Whatever questions that I had, were all answered, and somehow you will be able to get the answer directly or indirectly. Just last December, I went to the Goa Ashram for the International Retreat, before the retreat I had 4 questions which I was trying to find out the answer and along the retreat I had another 2, amazingly all 6 questions were answered without me asking anyone about it. 

Today’s world many people are constantly chasing after power, wealth and their self-interest, some may realize this never-ending chase, while some may never realize this never-ending chase, I am glad I am the lucky few to be awaken by Samarpan Meditation, and I hope that we can all continue to awaken those around us and wish that they too feel the same happiness and peacefulness that we are fell. 

Thursday, 21 May 2015


話説在04/01/15 (星期日)那天,為一天内看見三次巴黎鐵塔感到有趣和快樂而寫了一篇文章。(我之前寫的一篇文章)

以下是Chris看了我的那一篇文章後,與他的Whatsapp 對話:

Chris: 哈哈哈,搞不好這是暗示你要去看巴黎鐵塔了。”

我: 哈哈,我沒有特別的感覺很想去看它。

Chris: 哈哈,英國離法國很近啊,通常人家去旅行,兩個國家都會一起同游。

我: 哈哈,我真的沒有特別想說要去法國,反而想去荷蘭。

Chris: 哈哈,法國是一個很浪漫的國家啊。

我:“ 哈哈哈,說實在,我真的不覺得它浪漫,也許我不是一個浪漫的人,哈哈哈。






Friday, 15 May 2015


屋主一向來在門背挂上信插袋,她的用意要我們習慣出門前放下夾子,回來了則把夾子挂上去,等到全部的人都回來後門就要上鎖。 她也解釋說,這樣她才知道誰回來了,誰還沒有回來,不然失蹤了都不知道,她該如何向我們的父母交待。




Thursday, 14 May 2015

義賣 “你的生活不該如此,帶上心靈去旅行”籌款





微信钱包:Pink_Abheda (请先加我再通知我一声加你)








正 當我滿放心的以為只是小餘震一宗時,突然地動山搖,於425當日經歷過,如在大海上遇上猛烈風浪的眩暈感覺又再重現。我心知不妙,低嘆數聲:「Oh my god!」我立即環看四周環境,看到旁邊餐廳的簷蓬在猛烈左右搖晃,懸吊其下的白色球狀燈罩亦不停在上下彈跳。我再看看我身處的花園是否安全,有沒有高聳 的建築物。霎眼間,我只見數棵高樹,在猶豫應否立即走到更空曠的湖邊時,大地的晃動已停下來了。


朋 友有點被震撼得說不出話來,由於我肚子咕嚕叫,故仍如常點菜。我留意到自己,即使是上一次425地震後,我也是抱着這副「生死有命,富貴由天」的態度,甚 少被大事情影響我享受人生的興致。是我沒見過人世間很差的事情嗎?可不是,但我總是那麼樂觀,因為我相信,如果我「時辰到」的話,即使走在街上也很容易會 有意外,不用等到地震。


朋友開始冥想人生,他發現,我們真 的隨時隨地便會栽在死神手裡,他說:「但世界上那麼多人在不斷推遲他們的快樂啊!比方說,我很多朋友在畢業後,要做一年很纏身和辛苦的實習,他們在想: 『好,一年過後,我就可以自由開心了。』可是一年後,他們又想到,要緊握這實習後的黃金機會去找一份好工,他們又想:『好,當我工作一段日子,賺取到足夠 的金錢後,就可以開心快樂了!』他認為,這些人都在自欺欺人,他們幻想的快樂可能永遠也不會出現,因為死神將隨時降臨。




可能一生人中,我們有很多事情想做,想去改變世 界、改變身邊的人和事、改變歷史、改變一切我們不喜歡的事情。但想想,若果我們真的只有一天的生命剩下來,我們想做的事情基本上都只與自己有關係……跟我 們愛的人表達自己有多愛錫他們、去做自己最喜歡的事情、去吃一頓自己最喜歡的菜、以自己最喜歡的方式去渡過這最後一天……

所以其實所有改變 都是來自於自己,只有當我們接受自己,不再限制自己去做甚麼、說甚麼、怎麼表達自己時,我們才會看到世界以我們喜歡的方向有所轉變,我們才會開始愛上身邊 的人和事,不再埋怨,這樣相信我們都能死而無憾,這樣無論我們身處哪裡,是地震區還是非地震區,我們都無所畏懼。



Wednesday, 13 May 2015




香港捐款:HSBC 5560015173 Lee Wai Ki



微信钱包 Pink_Abheda



多得尼泊爾博克拉Edventure Nepal孤兒院幫忙,我們的災區物資分發才那麼順利。



不如說說我在此能幫上甚麼忙吧。由於我自2011年起便在尼泊爾一所孤兒院做義工,自2014年起,也與本港旅遊義工機構義遊合作在博克拉舉行Love and Light工作營,共帶過57名義工來孤兒院作交流,因此與尼泊爾當地機構甚為熟稔,也熟悉尼泊爾的交通和情況,因此我很容易便能動員及找到當地人的幫助 以及獲得當地的資訊。


除此之外,我發現很多事情我也是無能為力,例如當我們前兩天去災區派發物資,所有與當地政府、警察和災民的協調和溝通,也是由Edventure Nepal兒童之家的11名成員負責。在體力上,我能擔抬10公斤的糧食和發放一些物資,但其實我當地孔武有力的伙伴們較我更勝任。所以我當時主要是負責 採訪及當攝影師。



幸得Edventure Nepal的義工幫忙,我們到達前已與當地警察和政府協調,也在前一天派員視察過災區的實際情況,最後我們才正式出動,順利把所有物資在沒有任何行政成本下,直接交到災民手上。


Edventure Nepal的成員孜孜不倦地幫忙。


那身處國外的你,可如何幫忙呢?真心說,如果你沒有特別我們需要的技能,如我們現正找一些知道如何重建防震樓房的專家,只是空有一片熱心,確實幫不上甚麼 忙,而且反而會成為負擔。因為我們,以及其他當地組織要照顧前來的外國義工,也要為他們安排交通和食宿,以目前的情況來說,我們實在沒有這方面的時間和精力。

很多人也發訊息給我們說希望捐助物資,我們確實需要物資,但問題是運送有十分高的難度,現時大量物資已空運至尼泊爾機場,機場超負荷至跑道已經出現裂縫, 而且尼泊爾政府沒有足夠的人力和物力把物資送到災區,現在所有物資也囤積於機場。所以我們情願在當地搜購所有基本物資,期望當物流比較暢順時才作出捐助物資的呼籲。

不過,身處國外的你,卻可以從不同方面幫助我們。例如,不少組織已在舉辦不同活動籌款,如長洲Morocco餐廳的慈善自助餐、有朋友說正籌備慈善音樂晚 會、長洲的鄺國威前議員、現任街坊代表所發起的活力長洲及其義工已幫忙籌得一定款項。另外,不少香港朋友在幫我作出不同程度的國際聯絡、翻譯、行政查詢, 甚至內地的朋友也在幫我不斷在微信平台上更新訊息,及幫忙處理義賣書本的物流等。


至於捐款方面,我建議大家一定要看看有關機構是否把捐款直接用於災民身上,也要看看他們是否有尼泊爾本地機構協助,因為我發現很多國外團體想幫忙,但都被尼國政府拒諸門外,主要是因為尼國有對外國慈善團體在該國協助的限制和監管。我認為尼國政府實需要在此地震震災的特殊況下放寬規管,但似乎他們實在太過制 度化,因此現時很多國外團體也愛莫能助。

那不如捐款給尼國的全國震災基金?對此,我十分存疑。尼國政府出名腐敗,即使所有尼泊爾人也不避忌地批評政府,及投訴現時政府的震災工作是如何沒有效率和 太過官僚化。我在救災時便聽到一個當地人所謂的「笑話」,前幾天,政府派出一架直升機運送物資到偏遠的Gorkha區域,他們放下了一個帳篷和三袋米便離 開了,而他們在開支表上則填上了2萬5千美元的費用!這被當地人視作笑話,是因為他們已對政府的腐敗見怪不怪。而當地災民所能做的,只是望天打卦,期望有 非牟利慈善團體出現幫忙。




60 Hours after the Earthquake

當收到尼泊爾地震的消息時,心裏很難過,我知道捐款和為他們祈禱是在我能力範圍能夠做 到的,要捐款也必須找到一個好的管道,剛好看到朋友Pink以下的一篇文章,她除了講述自己在地震現場的實況外,還留在尼泊爾為這次的大地震籌款,幫助災 後的善後工作。我想很多有心人也希望能夠在這時候盡一份綿力,以下是捐款方式。一個小小的善舉,就能撫慰無數人的心靈,何樂而不爲。

香港捐款:HSBC 5560015173 Lee Wai Ki
微信钱包 Pink_Abheda


 If you wish to help Nepal, a nice and lovely country, we are fundraising now to provide the locals who have yet to receive any assistance with food, clothes, tents etc. See for details:

When the Nepal earthquake took place on 25 April I was right in Kathmandu, ready to receive the 7 volunteers from Hong Kong who were originally scheduled to arrive that night for the Love and Light Workcamp. Who would have thought of encountering a massive earthquake that occurs only once in a hundred years (the previous huge earthquake in Nepal was 80 years ago).

A few days before the earthquake

After arriving at Kathmandu from Pokhara by bus on 20 April, I caught the flu the next day – it got serious and I was in bed for two days. Intestinal flu developed, and for two days I suffered from diarrhoea. I therefore didn’t move about much and was resting in the hostel most of the time. It was only until 24 April evening when two Hong Kong volunteers arrived early that I visited the local market with them on 25 April morning.

Close to noon when the big earthquake was about to happen, they were planning to go to Dubar Square. I decided to return to the hostel to rest as I had not fully recovered from the illness. On the way back, I dropped by a bookstore to check out some books.

The rocking moments

I was sitting on a low chair when suddenly I felt clearly that a thump of the heart of the earth. My intuition told me, “This is earthquake; run!” However, the apparently rationally trained mind said, “Impossible!” Very soon after, it was obvious that the heart of the earth started to pump continuously. I saw the bookstore owner getting up quickly and running towards the door. I instinctively dashed for the exit too – when at the same time I heard loud noises of books falling – I thought to myself: “Run faster or get buried in the books!”

Books in the bookstore all over the ground after the earthquake

It was not easy to run; it felt like standing on the deck of a rocking ship. I made my way to the door swaying from side to side, but the exit was small – I remember pressing my hand on the back of the bookstore owner in pink t-shirt, thinking: “Goodness, get out more quickly.” Luckily there were not many customers in the store, or we could have been trapped in it.

Outside the door was a road, and everyone had rushed out. There were screams and sounds of window frames swinging. As I swayed my way forward, a woman tourist for some reason tried to make her way back to the bookstore. I grabbed her and dragged her to the road, saying, “Beware the windows may fall down!” At that moment, her boyfriend hurried over too to protect her, and we swayed our way back to the centre of the road together.
Everyone ran for the streets when the earthquake took place

The earth was shaking even more violently. I looked up and saw a dark sky, dust flying, birds fleeting, crows crying. I didn’t know how scared I looked, but the people around were petrified, and my heart was beating fast. I noticed that all the windows in the three-storey buildings on both sides were making creaking noises, and thought: “These windows may fall down anytime. Get out of here.” As I was going to move along the road, the earth stopped shaking.

12 hours after the quake

Where I was in the outskirts of Thamel, Kathmandu was one of the newer areas, and so only some of the lamp posts and walls had collapsed. On return to the hostel, I reunited with the two Hong Kong volunteers and learnt that they had a narrow escape. Looking at their photos, Dubar Square was seriously damaged; the monuments all turned into rubble!
                             Collapsed lamp post in the new area where I was located
 The entire wall near the hostel fell down

Tower in Dubar reduced to flat land within seconds (photo by Franco)

We and many travellers in the hostel were in the lobby, trying to connect with the unstable internet network. My mobile 3G signals were on and off; there was traffic jam on the telecom network as I tried to call the chairman of the children’s home. At that point, to put safety the priority, the volunteering organization in Hong Kong and I decided to cancel the week-long workcamp. Fortunately, the 6 Hong Kong volunteers had yet to set off, although one volunteer was transiting in Kuala Lumpur and was stuck there due to the closure of the Nepal airport.

At dusk, a number of travellers took their sleeping bags planning to spend the night outdoors. At first, we had no such plan; but we ran outside in fear each time there was aftershock and, as there was forecast that there would be a strong aftershock that evening, we borrowed blankets from the hostel to spend the night outside. We were lucky that it was not too cold, and even when it rained at midnight it was only a short drizzle. So we felt rest assured staying outdoors on this day of the huge earthquake. Rest assured because even if there were a few strong aftershocks throughout the night, we could get back to sleep after having been shaken awake as we were already outside.

My yoga mat proved useful for spending the night outdoors

24 hours after the quake

At 6:30am on 26 April, we unexpectedly ran into the minivan driver hired by our workcamp. I had not been able to get in touch with him since the network could not connect. After discussing with Amrit, we decided to postpone our departure because even if we were to leave Kathmandu on the day, there might still be landslides from aftershock on the road to Pokhara. The two Hong Kong volunteers wanted to return to Hong Kong immediately, and so we parted ways. I went with Amrit to stay at his sister and brother-in-law’s.

Their home was in a new residential area outside of the town centre, and was not much affected. Several buildings, with their foundations having been affected, did not look straight, while the rooftop of one building had a large piece of cement hanging in the air. Even so, the residents of the area all camped out in fear of damage that might be caused by aftershocks.
 Residents with homes that they could not return to
Deeply touched by the residents’ donating blood courageously

It felt warm to see Amrit’s big family of nine, together with several neighbours, helping each other out – cooking and eating together, and camping in the same tent. When they gave me the freshly prepared hot Dhal Bhat (lentil rice and vegetables, a local main meal), I was moved. That was my first proper meal 24 hours after the quake.

36 hours after the quake

For the entire afternoon that followed, we for fear of aftershocks stayed in the tent like camping and picnicking in the countryside. What was different was that during the occasional aftershocks, people ran out of the tents in panic. All we talked about was related to the earthquake, and we kept paying attention to the news on the radio. The area was out of electricity and running water, and the network disconnected often. We only managed with difficulty to charge our phones, to keep in touch with the outside world.

It rained in the evening and the temperature dropped substantially. My thoughts were with the people in Nepal whose homes had been destroyed, hoping they could find shelter. On the other hand, those of us here with homes that could not be returned to were not too comfortable either. 20 people hid in a tent, with the rain reducing the area in which we could sleep. We had to share 3 blankets among the 20 of us on this cold night.

48 hours after the quake

When at last it was dawn – after having been “shaken up” for a number of times by aftershocks – I was grateful beyond words when I saw the first sunrise after the earthquake and it was all sunny and bright. It was not an easy thing to be alive!

The aftershocks reduced in the afternoon, and Amrit, his brother’s family and I decided to return to Pokhara. Amrit’s sister was worried, asking them in tears not to go, so that they could stay together safely as a family. Nonetheless, they decided to go back because Amrit’s mother was by herself in Pokhara.

Kathmandu in ruins on the drive to Pokhara

We learnt from the news that the relief work by the government was mainly in Kathmandu and had yet to reach the villages near the epicentre. As we were doing fine, Amrit and I decided to help by fundraising, in the hope of providing food, clothes and tents for the victims.

60 hours after the quake

After an 11-hour drive, we finally returned to relatively calm Pokhara and saw the ten little angels in the children’s home again. Two people died in Pokhara during the earthquake, compared with some 4000 (and still counting) in Kathmandu.
The little angels alive and well, not affected by the trauma of the quake

A journalist asked me: when to return to Hong Kong? I said, no plans yet.

When the Hong Kong volunteering organization asked if I would take the charter flight to return home, I declined without thinking.

I did not feel I wanted to escape from Nepal, but to go to the places in need and do my best to help with my money and effort. Why? Perhaps all these years of volunteering, travelling and living in different countries have made me realize deeply that I am part of the global village.

I replied to the journalist, “Nepal is my home.” “In fact, the world is my home.”

If you wish to help Nepal, a nice and lovely country, we are fundraising now to provide the locals who have yet to receive any assistance with food, clothes, tents etc. See for details: