Thursday, 31 October 2013
Suet Lai 雪莉,我的好友,她的人跟她的名字很貼切,像雪一樣白;心地像雪一樣純潔,高興有這麽一位好友,雖然有些理念彼此有所不同(所以旅行說了這麽久還未一起去過,哈),手指也有長短,但不因此影響彼此的感情,事隔多年也不曾因爲距離友情因此而褪色。難得的友誼,為彼此的友誼而乾杯!
話説某一天在whatsapp,我拍了一張我親筆寫的:宇宙會以它認爲最好的方式給你——最好的禮物。她竟然回我:“嘿,那是你的字體,還是一樣美“。 驚訝!我問她:“你怎麽知道這是我的字體?”結果他就傳了一張照片給我,然後回我:“當然記得啊,你忘了嗎?這是你寫給我的字條,收藏在我的皮包已經超過10年了,有時還會拿出來為自己加油鼓勵一下。”聼了後,真的有被感動到,沒想到毫不起眼的一張小紙條,也不是什麽經典名言,竟然會被她當寳一樣收藏這麽久,而且還有達到被鼓勵的效果。我感動掉淚了,哈,謝謝你。
漸漸♥上你~酥油 (Ghee)
酥油是纯净的黄油 – 不含乳糖及其他乳质的半流体黄油。 酥油的原文“酥油”的发音为“GO“的重音“G”加上“GLEE“的长音“E”。 传统的制造方式为慢火加热奶油,直至它变成清澈金黄色液体。乳糖及其他乳质会凝结,然后被小心翼翼的除去。这个流程同时也会让大部分的天然含水量蒸发,使 得酥油质轻,纯净,且不易损坏。
看一下Pink Lee對Ghee的評價
酥油是纯净的黄油 – 不含乳糖及其他乳质的半流体黄油。 酥油的原文“酥油”的发音为“GO“的重音“G”加上“GLEE“的长音“E”。 传统的制造方式为慢火加热奶油,直至它变成清澈金黄色液体。乳糖及其他乳质会凝结,然后被小心翼翼的除去。这个流程同时也会让大部分的天然含水量蒸发,使 得酥油质轻,纯净,且不易损坏。
- 想找寻一种健康的烹调用油,又不想牺牲美味吗?请考虑酥油 – 流传数千年,源自阿育吠陀的烹调用品。它尝起来有浓郁,奶油般的口感和香气,且富含传统阿育吠陀经文上记载的多种益处。
- 保存价值: 酥油不容易腐坏。事实上,它可以保存香草和食物的天然鲜度及功效。不需冷藏。
- 帮助消化: 阿育吠陀经文表示,酥油可帮助平衡过多的胃酸,并可协助维持/修护胃部的粘液内衬。
- 对付轻微灼伤: 若将酥油迅速涂在患部,据称可以跟芦荟一样预防水泡及疤痕的产生。
- 提升心智运作: 酥油据称可以提升心智运作的三个所有层面 – 学习力,记忆力,回想力。
- 阿育吠陀平衡: 酥油同时平衡风能量Vata (阿育吠陀所指的身心控制体,掌控身心的运动) 及火能量 Pitta (掌控热能及代谢)。
看一下Pink Lee對Ghee的評價
Kundalini Energy 昆達裏尼能量
Kundalini Energy
is a name given to the Divine Energy that enters our body whilst we are in our mother's womb. It enters through the crown and passes through the central channel of the body and settles into the triangular structure at the base of the spine. On entering the body it energies all the chakras – the active chakras receive this energy and the inactive chakras remain weak and do not develop – for example during pregnancy if the mother has a feeling of guilt then the child's Vishuddhi chakra becomes weak since birth and he / she has throat related problems and discredit and is unsuccessful in all areas. Kundalini energy is a basic life force for the person to exist. After birth it lies dormant within the physical body until it is awakened. Kundalini is the vehicle for the expansion of consciousness, enabling the individual to fully develop his/her innate potential and rise to the level of divinity.
According to Kundalini teachings there are seven major energy centers or chakras within the physical body. Each of these energy centers affects and are affected by the way that we respond to life and the people and energies around us. Apart from Kundalini there are three major energy channels (Nadi) in our physical body
The left channel (Chandra Nadi)
The right channel (Surya Nadi)
The central channel (Madhya Nadi)
When a person is thinking about past his/her attention is in left channel, when thinking about future attention is in right channel and in thoughtless state in central channel.
Once the dormant Kundalini Energy is awakened, it travels up the spine of the person piercing seven energy centers (Chakras) and reaches the top of the head, cleansing and clearing blockages int the Chakras that stand in the way of our spiritual progress and opening the connection to the Universal Consciousness through the chakra on the top of our head called as Crown or Sahastrar chakra.
Whereas many Kundalini meditations and practises (devotional singing, spiritual worship etc.) can awaken Kundalini Energy, it may rise up to the Brow chakra from where only a living Divine Master, one of the very high Consciousness can rise the Kundalini to Crown chakra. In Samarpan Meditation with pure desire to experience the divine, just by pure wish one can experience the awakening of Kundalini energy.
昆達裏尼是一個神聖能量的稱謂,當我們在媽媽的子宮時它 就进入我們的身體。昆達裏尼能量從頭頂進入,穿過身體的 中脈,潛藏在脊椎底部三角骨的位置。昆達裏尼能量進入身 體後能提升全部脈輪的能量,活躍的脈輪能吸收這些能量, 不活躍的脈輪則保持疲弱不能發展。舉例說一個母親在懷孕 時如果有愧疚感,他孩子的喉輪從出生開始就會疲弱。他會 有喉嚨相關的問題,信用喪失以及在所有領域都不会成功。 昆達裏尼能量是一個人生存的基本生命力。誕生後的昆達裏 尼能量在肉身裏都是處在休眠狀態,直到被喚醒爲止。昆達 裏尼能量是擴張意識的交通工具,它讓個人的先天潛能得以 全面發展以及提升到神性層次。
根據昆達裏尼的教義,在肉身裏有七個主要能量中心(或脈 輪)。每一個能量中心都會影響我們如何应對生命,以及圍 繞在我們周圍的人与能量。然後我們的作爲又反過來影響這 些脈輪。除此之外,我們的肉身還有三個主要能量經脈。
The left channel (Chandra Nadi) 左脈
The right channel (Surya Nadi) 右脈
The central channel (Madhya Nadi) 中脈
當一個人回憶過去,他的注意力是在左脈;想關於未來的事 ,他的注意力是在右脈;處在無念狀態時,注意力在中脈。
一旦沉睡的昆達裏尼能量被喚醒,它會流入人的脊椎再穿過 七個能量中心(即七個脈輪),然後才到達頭頂。這個過程 會淨化和清除在脈輪的所有堵塞物,然後透過頂輪使我們連 接上宇宙意識,這就是靈性成長的方式。
而有很多昆達裏尼靜心或練習(比如唱誦聖歌,禮拜儀式等 )可以喚醒昆達裏尼能量,但這些練習僅能讓昆達裏尼能量 提升到眉轮。只有在世的,達到很高意識的神聖大師,才能 够把昆達裏尼能量提升到頂輪。在沙瑪版靜心,一個人只要 擁有純粹的渴望想體驗神性,單是這純粹的愿望就能讓他體 驗昆達裏尼能量的蘇醒。
is a name given to the Divine Energy that enters our body whilst we are in our mother's womb. It enters through the crown and passes through the central channel of the body and settles into the triangular structure at the base of the spine. On entering the body it energies all the chakras – the active chakras receive this energy and the inactive chakras remain weak and do not develop – for example during pregnancy if the mother has a feeling of guilt then the child's Vishuddhi chakra becomes weak since birth and he / she has throat related problems and discredit and is unsuccessful in all areas. Kundalini energy is a basic life force for the person to exist. After birth it lies dormant within the physical body until it is awakened. Kundalini is the vehicle for the expansion of consciousness, enabling the individual to fully develop his/her innate potential and rise to the level of divinity.
According to Kundalini teachings there are seven major energy centers or chakras within the physical body. Each of these energy centers affects and are affected by the way that we respond to life and the people and energies around us. Apart from Kundalini there are three major energy channels (Nadi) in our physical body
The left channel (Chandra Nadi)
The right channel (Surya Nadi)
The central channel (Madhya Nadi)
When a person is thinking about past his/her attention is in left channel, when thinking about future attention is in right channel and in thoughtless state in central channel.
Once the dormant Kundalini Energy is awakened, it travels up the spine of the person piercing seven energy centers (Chakras) and reaches the top of the head, cleansing and clearing blockages int the Chakras that stand in the way of our spiritual progress and opening the connection to the Universal Consciousness through the chakra on the top of our head called as Crown or Sahastrar chakra.
Whereas many Kundalini meditations and practises (devotional singing, spiritual worship etc.) can awaken Kundalini Energy, it may rise up to the Brow chakra from where only a living Divine Master, one of the very high Consciousness can rise the Kundalini to Crown chakra. In Samarpan Meditation with pure desire to experience the divine, just by pure wish one can experience the awakening of Kundalini energy.
The left channel (Chandra Nadi) 左脈
The right channel (Surya Nadi) 右脈
The central channel (Madhya Nadi) 中脈
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Sahastrar (Crown) Chakra 達薩哈拉脈輪(又稱頂輪)
(Crown) Chakra : It is located at the top of the head. This is the
place where Kundalini Energy finally rests, from this point you connect
to the Divine Consciousness and attain the thoughtless state. The Chitta
(Mind element) must be centered in the central channel - not left or
right. Kundalini reaches the Sahastrar using the centered mind through
the central channel. On reaching the Sahastrar
there is a chemical processing which releases hormones which activate
all the glands and make them healthy and make you feel relaxed. Whatever
fatigue you feel during work is mainly due to thoughts, 90% energy is
wasted due to mental thoughts and only 10% due to physical strain. By
Meditation you can save and reserve this energy and use it in whatever
work you do. thus you put in full energy, concentration and commitment
into your work and the outcome will be much better.
達薩哈拉脈輪(又稱頂輪):它的位置在頭頂。達薩哈拉脈 輪是昆達裏尼能量最終静止的地方,從這裡你可以跟宇宙意 識連接并達到無念狀態。意识必須集中在中脈,而不是左脈 或右脈。昆達裏尼運用頭腦的中心透過中脈到達達薩哈拉脈 輪。在能量到達達薩哈拉脈輪後會產生一種化學變化,即釋 放荷爾蒙使腺體活躍健康起來,讓你感覺很放鬆。你工作上 所感覺的任何疲勞,都是由於思想所造成的。九十巴仙的能 量是消耗在心理思維上,而只有十巴仙是消耗在身體的勞累 上。透過靜心你能保全和儲存能量,並使用這些能量在你的 工作上。當你能把全部的能量,還有專注与承諾放在你的工 作上,得到的效果就會更好。
更多資料: http:// SH1/Meditation/ Chakras.shtml
更多資料: http://
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
The movie, Invictus, Mandela responds to this challenge by stating, "Forgiveness liberates the soul, it removes fear. That's why it's such a powerful weapon."
The movie, Invictus, Mandela responds to this challenge by stating, "Forgiveness liberates the soul, it removes fear. That's why it's such a powerful weapon."
Agya (Brow) Chakra 阿格亞脈輪(又稱眉心輪)
(Brow) Chakra : It is located between eyebrows and is related to
nervous system. Weakness in Agya chakra attracts mental problems. You
have to forgive all in order to develop this chakra. Agya Chakra is also
called the Masters abode because only a living highly developed Divine
Master can raise Kundalini from Agya chakra to Sahastrar Chakra.
阿格亞脈輪(又稱眉心輪) :它的位置在眉毛之間的地方, 這個脈輪跟神經系統有關。眉心輪疲弱的話會引起心理的問 題。爲了開啓這個脈輪,你必須寬恕自己和他人。阿格亞脈 輪也可稱之爲大師的居所,因爲只有一個神聖的,高度進化 的大師才能夠让昆達裏尼從阿格亞脈(眉心輪)提升到達薩 哈拉脈輪(頂輪)。
更多資料: http:// SH1/Meditation/ Chakras.shtml
阿格亞脈輪(又稱眉心輪) :它的位置在眉毛之間的地方,
更多資料: http://
Monday, 28 October 2013
他笑笑回答道:“ 來到我們生命中的每一個人,都是爲了使我們得到完整,圓滿。”謝謝他的智慧話語再次提醒我。
第二天,打開門,來的是一位乞丐,他又打發他走了。 然後看師父沒來,再次去找師父問原因,結果師父的回答還是一樣:“我去了啊!”
來到我們生命中的每一個生命(人,動物等),都是神的化身,都是我們的客人,至於我們如何看待及對待這些客人 ,就要看我們自己了。
他笑笑回答道:“ 來到我們生命中的每一個人,都是爲了使我們得到完整,圓滿。”謝謝他的智慧話語再次提醒我。
第二天,打開門,來的是一位乞丐,他又打發他走了。 然後看師父沒來,再次去找師父問原因,結果師父的回答還是一樣:“我去了啊!”
來到我們生命中的每一個生命(人,動物等),都是神的化身,都是我們的客人,至於我們如何看待及對待這些客人 ,就要看我們自己了。
Dharshan from Jangli Baba
開心得知Jangli Baba來新加坡,也很慶幸自己能出席24/10/13晚上的唱誦拜讚歌和達顯(Bhajans and Dharsan)儀式。
當Jangli Baba進來時,突然感覺冷能量,能量真的很強啊! Swamiji說得真好,有聖人的地方,你特別容易感覺很強的能量。
7) 唯有透過靜心,進入内在,達到自我覺醒,你才能得到解脫。
The other day, a couple of us went to receive guru dakshan at a temple in Singapore. There was a lot of bhajan singing for awhile and the energy there was incredible. We all just sat down and experienced the energy.
Pure and Holy soul ~ Sathiyamai
當Jangli Baba進來時,突然感覺冷能量,能量真的很強啊! Swamiji說得真好,有聖人的地方,你特別容易感覺很強的能量。
7) 唯有透過靜心,進入内在,達到自我覺醒,你才能得到解脫。
The other day, a couple of us went to receive guru dakshan at a temple in Singapore. There was a lot of bhajan singing for awhile and the energy there was incredible. We all just sat down and experienced the energy.
after, Jangli baba came in and the energy became even more intense. The
vibrations were very strong and we started feeling cold immediately. He
didn't talk that evening but he asked her disciple, Sathiyamai to say a
few words. And these are the following things that she said that
evening regarding the soul and its importance:
1. Our soul is immortal. Within us, love, light, joy and everything exists infinitely together with the soul. Our body is perishable. If you want to feel love, lightness and joy, it's all inside you because inside is everything. Our body is our temple and our soul - we - are our god inside. So we don't need to look elsewhere for god. Not the temples and everything. Just look inside and face yourself.
2. Even if you move around the whole world, your body moves but your soul always with you. So, you can go anywhere because if you're connected to your soul, you will always be blessed. Our soul knows everything we need and where we need to go.
3. We always request for things outside that we don't need. But they are all perishable. What we have inside is forever and immortal but we haven't looked inside. We should look inside. Don't ask anything for yourself because you, your soul doesn't need anything materialistic at all.
4. We have to ask ourselves, "Who is our owner?" We have to ask "Who am I ?"and "What's my purpose?" Because in a bigger sense, this world is not where we belong, and our purpose here is to go back to where we belong by going on an internal journey.
5. Everything in this world and the universe, even the gods and goddesses are all made up of the soul. The soul is our timeless boss and it's everyone around and in us.
6. If you go within, you can absorb the universal energy and wouldn't need to be search for material comforts and attachments to seek happiness for yourself. This is why some people can have everything from money to status and houses but they still feel uneasy and empty inside because they haven't seeked within. They haven't experienced the energy of the universe or god and feel very far from themselves.
7. Don't ask anything for yourself because you don't need it. Your soul is happy if you're willing to take the journey in because that's where abundance of everything lies.
8. It is only with meditation that you can go within and get true liberation.
9. We always say we need guru darshan but how would you get that? You need to go inward and meditate. That's how you'll get it because the blessing is inside. When you go inside yourself, say "Please bless me" because all of the blessings is within you. Picture your guru or the lotus feet in your mind and you slowly say "please bless me," and you'll be blessed and receive darshan.
It was a lovely and soul enriching session that was very timely for me to attend. Thank you to Wai Ling for inviting me to attend this event. So much bliss. Bless all our souls and may we always follow the voices of our souls to go back to where we belong - within.
Jai baba swami,
1. Our soul is immortal. Within us, love, light, joy and everything exists infinitely together with the soul. Our body is perishable. If you want to feel love, lightness and joy, it's all inside you because inside is everything. Our body is our temple and our soul - we - are our god inside. So we don't need to look elsewhere for god. Not the temples and everything. Just look inside and face yourself.
2. Even if you move around the whole world, your body moves but your soul always with you. So, you can go anywhere because if you're connected to your soul, you will always be blessed. Our soul knows everything we need and where we need to go.
3. We always request for things outside that we don't need. But they are all perishable. What we have inside is forever and immortal but we haven't looked inside. We should look inside. Don't ask anything for yourself because you, your soul doesn't need anything materialistic at all.
4. We have to ask ourselves, "Who is our owner?" We have to ask "Who am I ?"and "What's my purpose?" Because in a bigger sense, this world is not where we belong, and our purpose here is to go back to where we belong by going on an internal journey.
5. Everything in this world and the universe, even the gods and goddesses are all made up of the soul. The soul is our timeless boss and it's everyone around and in us.
6. If you go within, you can absorb the universal energy and wouldn't need to be search for material comforts and attachments to seek happiness for yourself. This is why some people can have everything from money to status and houses but they still feel uneasy and empty inside because they haven't seeked within. They haven't experienced the energy of the universe or god and feel very far from themselves.
7. Don't ask anything for yourself because you don't need it. Your soul is happy if you're willing to take the journey in because that's where abundance of everything lies.
8. It is only with meditation that you can go within and get true liberation.
9. We always say we need guru darshan but how would you get that? You need to go inward and meditate. That's how you'll get it because the blessing is inside. When you go inside yourself, say "Please bless me" because all of the blessings is within you. Picture your guru or the lotus feet in your mind and you slowly say "please bless me," and you'll be blessed and receive darshan.
It was a lovely and soul enriching session that was very timely for me to attend. Thank you to Wai Ling for inviting me to attend this event. So much bliss. Bless all our souls and may we always follow the voices of our souls to go back to where we belong - within.
Jai baba swami,
Pure and Holy soul ~ Sathiyamai
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