Question: Swamiji, my question is how can we bring a sense of complete surrender in our lives?
Answer: I have told you to give up your entire past to me and I will give you a golden future in return. The meaning of the word samarpan is very simple. IN the olden days people used to have pendulum clocks where the pendulum would be swinging from one side to another. Similarly when our chitta goes back to the incidents of our past then after a short time it goes into the future with the same speed that it goes into the past. And it keeps on oscillating between the past and the future. Due to this, half of your energy is wasted in thinking about the future and when you work in present, you will not have any energy left. We will not be successful in whatever we do. When I ask you to surrender, the meaning of 'samarpan' is that you should not get a single thought about the past, and when you reach such a state then your chitta will become strong. When you don't get thoughts about the past, then you automatically not get thoughts about the future. The result will be that your chitta will remain in the present. Whatever task you undertake by remaining in the present will be supremely successful.
I call 'Samarpan' that state when you have no thoughts either of the past or the future. The day you reach such a state, you will have total 'samarpan'. You will be free of surrendering your past, past illnesses, bad incidents and bad people of the past. When you succeed in wiping out the poison of your past, you will be completely empty. The urn filed with nectar is right within you and you will experience its scent. First of all it is necessary to remove the poison within you. The meaning of 'Samarpan' is that you should not get any thoughts of past.