All distinctions of gender, race, language,
religion and country cease to exist after one experiences the true
‘Divine Essence’ of Paramatma, because all of these are attached to the
‘perishable’ body.
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Even if you get the chance to meet Paramatma without a
‘Guru’, you will only be able to behold His Divine physical form; but you will
not be able to comprehend His Divine Essence.
Monday, 27 January 2014
靜心師父 ~ 濕瓦古巴南達 斯瓦米(Shivkrupanand Swami)
聖者 濕瓦古巴南達 斯瓦米(Shivkrupanand Swami)
他是二十一世紀在世的聖人,也是沙瑪版靜心技巧的開拓者 。他已達到全然地與神性意識合一,卻選擇從喜馬拉雅山返 回社會,他純粹的意愿是讓我們也能體驗到與宇宙意識連接 。
他出生在印度的一個婆羅門家庭。斯瓦米吉在他孩童時期就 一直對存在,自然意識或神顯示出好奇。他會對他身邊的無 數個宗教追隨者們發問,試圖獲得這方面的知識。
他早期的生活一直都在繼續這方面的探尋。有三個影像經常 會出現在他的靜心裏。第一個就是尼泊爾的帕斯帕提纳寺( Pashupatinath temple in Nepal),第二個是高挑的白髮苦行僧,第三個則是建 立在小丘上的一座小寺廟。斯瓦米吉過著平凡人的生活,他 完成商業學的碩士學位,並開始在加爾各答的大公司任職市 場經理。有一天他的工作讓他去到北印度,在那裏剛好遇到 意想不到的銀行罷工,中斷了他的業務活動。所以他就決定 完成他長久以來前往加德滿都(Kathmandu)的願 望。在他抵達的第二天,他就去了帕斯帕提纳寺(Pash upatinath temple)。當他到達時,一位長者接近他,稱呼他的 名字,並說是他的師父派他來見斯瓦米吉的,而且他已經在 這裡等候三天了。
斯瓦米吉感到驚訝,因爲他是臨時決定來尼泊爾旅行的的。 他跟隨長者踏上旅程,一直走到山裏的一個小村莊。到達村 裏,他就被叫坐在一塊大石頭上等候,一直等到日落時,高 挑的白髮苦行僧從附近的洞裏出來並走進他。這個苦行僧被 稱爲濕巴巴(Shivbaba),斯瓦米吉感到驚訝,因 爲這個人就是他每天靜心時看到的那個苦行僧。
他形容濕巴巴(Shivbaba)又高又瘦,膚色白晰和 有一雙銳利的藍眼睛,讓他無法長時間直視。濕巴巴帶著斯 瓦米吉進入洞裏,他拿一些水加持後,倒入斯瓦米吉手裏讓 他喝。斯瓦米吉喝了水後,就即刻進入三天的深度靜心。當 他醒來時,師父告訴他說已經等了他四十年了。在深度靜心 時,濕巴巴已轉移所有的知識和能力給他。濕巴巴已經九十 六嵗了。接著師父說他已經完成了任務,把所有他擁有的知 識和能力都傳授給了斯瓦米吉,他現在就可以離開這個世界 了。第二天師父就去世了。葬禮後斯瓦米吉就回家繼續他之 前的生活。他結了婚也有了孩子。
十年後另一個聖人來到他的家,並告訴他說這是他要開始靈 修旅程的時候了。得到斯瓦米吉妻子的批准後,他就帶著斯 瓦米吉去喜馬拉雅山。在過去很多年期間,斯瓦米吉被派到 不同師父那裏,接受了他們所傳授的不同教導與能力。
在喜馬拉雅山,斯瓦米吉和很多位師父靜心,其中包括成就 者,先賢,解脫止息瑜伽行者,佛教僧侶和聖人,在那裏與 修行高的師父溝通不需要語言,而是在靜心中透過心靈感應 来溝通,超越語言的需要。在喜馬拉雅山那裏,他找到了完 整的知識,並且成道。
他達到開悟並完全融入宇宙意識,但繼續留在肉體裏。斯瓦 米吉沒有選擇與社會隔絕,如其他達成者。反之他回來社會 當一個管道,讓任何人可以選擇透過他體驗與宇宙意識連接 。
His Holiness
Shivkrupanand Swami
is a living saint of 21st century, a pioneer of Samarpan Meditation technique. Having fully merged with the Divine Consciousness He descended to the society from Himalayan Mountains with pure wish to make us experience and connect with the Universal Consciousness.
Born into a Brahmin family in India, Swamiji displayed a curiosity about the existence and nature of Consciousness or God from His early childhood. Questioning the followers of the numerous religions, which he saw around him, He sought to know and find this knowledge.
This search continued throughout his early life and in His meditation three visions regularly came to Him. One was of the Pashupatinath temple in Nepal, the second was of a tall fair-haired ascetic and the third was of a little temple set on a small hill. Swamiji lived a normal life, completed a Masters degree in Business Studies and began to work as a marketing manager for a large company in Calcutta. Then one day His work took him in the North of India where an unexpected bank strike interrupted His business activities. So he decided to fulfill His long held desire to visit Kathmandu. The following day after His arrival, He went to the Pashupatinath Temple. As He arrived He was met by an elderly man who approached him, addressed Him by name, and said that he had been sent to meet him by his Guru and had been waiting for Him for the past three days.
Swamiji was amazed at this because He had only just decided to travel to Nepal on 'the spur of the moment'. He went with the man on a journey until they reach a small village in the mountains. On arriving at the village he was told to sit on a large stone and wait and at sunset a tall fair-haired ascetic came out of a nearby cave and approached Him. This ascetic was known as Shivbaba. Swamiji was amazed as this was the person that He had been seeing each day in His meditation.
He describes Shivbaba as being very tall and thin, of a fair complexion and with piercing blue eyes that He could not look into for long. Taking Swamiji into the cave, Shivbaba vibrated some water and poured it into Swamiji's hands to drink. As soon as he drunk the water Swamiji went into a meditative trance for three days. When He awoke the Guru told him that he had been waiting for him for 40 years, and that whilst in trance Shivbaba had transferred all of His knowledge and power to Him. Shivbaba was 96 years of age and went on to say that as he had completed his mission in passing on his knowledge and power to Swamiji, he could now leave this life. The next day the Guru died and after the funeral Swamiji returned home and continued his life as before. He got married and had children.
After 10 years another holy person, a Mahatma, came to His house and told Him that it was time for Him to begin His spiritual journey. Seeking the permission of Swamiji's wife, He then took Swamiji away to the Himalayas. Over a period of many years, Swamiji was passed from one Guru to another receiving from each what they had to teach and their power.
There in the Himalayas, Swamiji meditated with Guru's, Siddhas, Rishis, Munis, Kaiwalya Kumbhak Yogis, Buddhist monks and Saints, and with the High Gurus that exist there who communicate not with language but by vibration through meditation, beyond the need for language. There in Himalayas He found the full knowledge and enlightenment.
Having reached enlightenment and merging fully with Universal Consciousness, yet remaining in the physical body, Swamiji chose not to isolate himself from the society as many beings who reach that level do. Instead He has come back into the society as 'a pipe', a channel, a means through which anyone who chooses can experience and connect with the Universal Consciousness.
His Holiness
Shivkrupanand Swami
is a living saint of 21st century, a pioneer of Samarpan Meditation technique. Having fully merged with the Divine Consciousness He descended to the society from Himalayan Mountains with pure wish to make us experience and connect with the Universal Consciousness.
Born into a Brahmin family in India, Swamiji displayed a curiosity about the existence and nature of Consciousness or God from His early childhood. Questioning the followers of the numerous religions, which he saw around him, He sought to know and find this knowledge.
This search continued throughout his early life and in His meditation three visions regularly came to Him. One was of the Pashupatinath temple in Nepal, the second was of a tall fair-haired ascetic and the third was of a little temple set on a small hill. Swamiji lived a normal life, completed a Masters degree in Business Studies and began to work as a marketing manager for a large company in Calcutta. Then one day His work took him in the North of India where an unexpected bank strike interrupted His business activities. So he decided to fulfill His long held desire to visit Kathmandu. The following day after His arrival, He went to the Pashupatinath Temple. As He arrived He was met by an elderly man who approached him, addressed Him by name, and said that he had been sent to meet him by his Guru and had been waiting for Him for the past three days.
Swamiji was amazed at this because He had only just decided to travel to Nepal on 'the spur of the moment'. He went with the man on a journey until they reach a small village in the mountains. On arriving at the village he was told to sit on a large stone and wait and at sunset a tall fair-haired ascetic came out of a nearby cave and approached Him. This ascetic was known as Shivbaba. Swamiji was amazed as this was the person that He had been seeing each day in His meditation.
He describes Shivbaba as being very tall and thin, of a fair complexion and with piercing blue eyes that He could not look into for long. Taking Swamiji into the cave, Shivbaba vibrated some water and poured it into Swamiji's hands to drink. As soon as he drunk the water Swamiji went into a meditative trance for three days. When He awoke the Guru told him that he had been waiting for him for 40 years, and that whilst in trance Shivbaba had transferred all of His knowledge and power to Him. Shivbaba was 96 years of age and went on to say that as he had completed his mission in passing on his knowledge and power to Swamiji, he could now leave this life. The next day the Guru died and after the funeral Swamiji returned home and continued his life as before. He got married and had children.
After 10 years another holy person, a Mahatma, came to His house and told Him that it was time for Him to begin His spiritual journey. Seeking the permission of Swamiji's wife, He then took Swamiji away to the Himalayas. Over a period of many years, Swamiji was passed from one Guru to another receiving from each what they had to teach and their power.
There in the Himalayas, Swamiji meditated with Guru's, Siddhas, Rishis, Munis, Kaiwalya Kumbhak Yogis, Buddhist monks and Saints, and with the High Gurus that exist there who communicate not with language but by vibration through meditation, beyond the need for language. There in Himalayas He found the full knowledge and enlightenment.
Having reached enlightenment and merging fully with Universal Consciousness, yet remaining in the physical body, Swamiji chose not to isolate himself from the society as many beings who reach that level do. Instead He has come back into the society as 'a pipe', a channel, a means through which anyone who chooses can experience and connect with the Universal Consciousness.
Only the present ‘moment’ is in your hands; and your ‘future’ is dependent only on that moment. Therefore, make the right use of each and every ‘moment’ of present time.
Friday, 24 January 2014
Anusthan 45天 (13/1/2014~26/2/2014)
During this Anushthan attempt to take your chitta deeper within, which will enable you to see the faults inside you and also stop you from seeing faults in other people. During these days continuously chant the mantra ‘I am a holy soul, I am a pure soul’. By doing so, at one end your inner (soul) sense will increase and the sense of the physical body will decrease. When the inner (soul) sense will increase then all your problems in life will be over, all the disease of your body will go away by itself.

During this Anushthan attempt to take your chitta deeper within, which will enable you to see the faults inside you and also stop you from seeing faults in other people. During these days continuously chant the mantra ‘I am a holy soul, I am a pure soul’. By doing so, at one end your inner (soul) sense will increase and the sense of the physical body will decrease. When the inner (soul) sense will increase then all your problems in life will be over, all the disease of your body will go away by itself.
‘Living mediums’ are like musk –filled closed boxes; and they can be
recognised only by people who are knowledgeable about ‘musk’ (kasturi).
They never perish; they only ‘give up’ their physical body. After they pass away, the closed box opens and the entire atmosphere gets permeated with the fragrance of musk. And then, everyone feels attracted towards them.
They never perish; they only ‘give up’ their physical body. After they pass away, the closed box opens and the entire atmosphere gets permeated with the fragrance of musk. And then, everyone feels attracted towards them.
‘Paramatma’ is Eternal. He
existed in the past and exists today also; and He will continue to exist in the
future too. Only if we live in present time, will we be able to meet the medium
of Paramatma that exists ‘in present time
Thursday, 23 January 2014
Paramatma is ‘formless’. But He (His Energy) flows unceasingly through the ‘medium’ of some form or the other, and His ‘mediums’ keep on changing according to the situation and demands of present time.
以不同的形式流動。這個 “媒介”是根據當時的情況和需求而持續變動著。
‘Sanctity’ of the chitta is
the ‘foundation and support’ of spiritual life; the sanctity can be maintained
only by keeping one’s chitta always turned inwards.
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
After attaining ‘Self-Realisation’
you will be able to shape your future as you wish; that is definite, absolute
and indisputable! Therefore, always think ‘positively’.
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