咒语是由一組有力量的文字所組成的。當你用特定的方法唸誦或唱誦這咒語時,它能讓你連接上高層意識。這是一把打開宇宙奧秘的鑰匙,從高次元體現與传导神性能量。這是一種能快速,且平穩地帶你進入深層靜心的工具。以下是由Swami Shivkrupandji(斯瓦米 濕瓦。古巴。南達吉)的師父傳授給他的咒語:
Ohm Shree Shivkrupanand Swami Namo Namaha (嗡 室利 濕瓦古巴南達 斯瓦米 南摩 南么哈)
嗡..... 室利 濕瓦古巴南達 斯瓦米 南摩 南么哈
嗡 室利..... 濕瓦古巴南達 斯瓦米 南摩 南么哈
第三次“嗡” 和“室利”字,唱誦的時間較長
嗡..... 室利..... 濕瓦古巴南達 斯瓦米 南摩 南么哈
1. Ohm ............Muladhaara (end of the spine) 嗡............ 根輪(又稱海底輪) (脊椎的尾段)
2. Shree..........Swadhisthan (pubic area) 室利............ 腹輪 (耻骨的地方)
3. Shiva...........Nabhi (Naval area) 濕瓦............ 臍輪 (腹部中央肚臍的地方)
4. Krupananda.....Heart 古巴南達............ 心輪
5. Swami..........Vishuddhi (throat) 斯瓦米............ 喉輪 (喉嚨)
6. Namo...........Agya (between eyebrows) 南摩............ 額輪(又稱眉心輪) (眉毛之間)
7. Namaha.........Sahastrar (top of the head) 南么哈............頂輪(頭頂)
Ohm Shree Shivkrupanand Swami Namo Namaha (嗡 室利 濕瓦古巴南達 斯瓦米 南摩 南么哈)
嗡..... 室利 濕瓦古巴南達 斯瓦米 南摩 南么哈
嗡 室利..... 濕瓦古巴南達 斯瓦米 南摩 南么哈
第三次“嗡” 和“室利”字,唱誦的時間較長
嗡..... 室利..... 濕瓦古巴南達 斯瓦米 南摩 南么哈
1. Ohm ............Muladhaara (end of the spine) 嗡............ 根輪(又稱海底輪) (脊椎的尾段)
2. Shree..........Swadhisthan
3. Shiva...........Nabhi (Naval area) 濕瓦............ 臍輪 (腹部中央肚臍的地方)
4. Krupananda.....Heart 古巴南達............ 心輪
5. Swami..........Vishuddhi (throat) 斯瓦米............ 喉輪 (喉嚨)
6. Namo...........Agya (between eyebrows) 南摩............ 額輪(又稱眉心輪) (眉毛之間)
7. Namaha.........Sahastrar (top of the head) 南么哈............頂輪(頭頂)
The Mantra
Mantra is a set of powerful words which when recited or chanted with the method prescribed has power of connecting one to the higher level of consciousness. It is the key, which unlocks the mysteries of the universe, manifests and channelizes the divine energy from higher dimensions. It is a tool to quickly, swiftly and smoothly take you to deeper meditative state. The Mantra as passed on to Swami Shivkrupandji by his Gurus is as follows :
Ohm Shree Shivkrupanand Swami Namo Namaha
The inner meaning is the name Shivkrupanand Swami is not the name of the physical body but represents the energy of Swamiji's Gurus which is channelised though his body. Thus a sadhak when chants the above Mantra, surrenders completely to the supreme reality and can easily get connected with the universal life force energy. Swamiji says that I do not have any existence of my own and my body is only an instrument through which the energy of my Gurus is channelised. Thus anyone chanting this Mantra with devotion and love would experience the great sense of energy, as he too becomes the channel of universal life force energy.
Method of Chanting Mantra : One set of Mantra is repeating the Mantra three times in a row as follows
First time word " Ohm" is chanted for a long time
"Ohm..... Shree Shivkrupanand Swami Namo Namaha"
Second time word " Shree" is chanted for a long time
"Ohm Shree..... Shivkrupanand Swami Namo Namaha"
Third time both the words "Ohm" as well as "Shree" are chanted for a long time.
"Ohm..... Shree..... Shivkrupanand Swami Namo Namaha"
Use of Mantra in Awakening of Kundalini : The chanting of Mantra as described above awakens kundalini. The first chant purifies the left Nadi (meridian) or "Chandra Nadi". The second chant purifies right or "Surya Nadi" and the third one purifies the central Nadi or Sushumna. Kundalini awakened by the Mantra travels from Muladhara to Sahastrar. Requesting the Energy for Awakening of Kundalini should follow three sets of this Mantra. Meditation should be the next step, in which the attention is focused on top of the head and observe the vibrations in the body. Thus anyone irrespective of religion, cast , creed or color can chant as above and get benefits at physical, mental and spiritual levels. This can taught to others once the person himself practices and experiences the benefits.
Effects of the Mantra on Chakras : The chanting of Mantra purifies all seven Chakras and the effects on various chakras is as follows:
1. Ohm ............Muladhaara (end of the spine)
2. Shree..........Swadhisthan (pubic area)
3. Shiva...........Nabhi (Naval area)
4. Krupananda.....Heart
5. Swami..........Vishuddhi (throat)
6. Namo...........Agya (between eyebrows)
7. Namaha.........Sahastrar (top of the head)
Thus this powerful Mantra not only raises kundalini through the central channel but also purifies all chakras and three nadis so that one can easily get into a state of thoughtlessness during meditation. Once you become sensitive you can experience it yourself.
Mantra is a set of powerful words which when recited or chanted with the method prescribed has power of connecting one to the higher level of consciousness. It is the key, which unlocks the mysteries of the universe, manifests and channelizes the divine energy from higher dimensions. It is a tool to quickly, swiftly and smoothly take you to deeper meditative state. The Mantra as passed on to Swami Shivkrupandji by his Gurus is as follows :
Ohm Shree Shivkrupanand Swami Namo Namaha
The inner meaning is the name Shivkrupanand Swami is not the name of the physical body but represents the energy of Swamiji's Gurus which is channelised though his body. Thus a sadhak when chants the above Mantra, surrenders completely to the supreme reality and can easily get connected with the universal life force energy. Swamiji says that I do not have any existence of my own and my body is only an instrument through which the energy of my Gurus is channelised. Thus anyone chanting this Mantra with devotion and love would experience the great sense of energy, as he too becomes the channel of universal life force energy.
Method of Chanting Mantra : One set of Mantra is repeating the Mantra three times in a row as follows
First time word " Ohm" is chanted for a long time
"Ohm..... Shree Shivkrupanand Swami Namo Namaha"
Second time word " Shree" is chanted for a long time
"Ohm Shree..... Shivkrupanand Swami Namo Namaha"
Third time both the words "Ohm" as well as "Shree" are chanted for a long time.
"Ohm..... Shree..... Shivkrupanand Swami Namo Namaha"
Use of Mantra in Awakening of Kundalini : The chanting of Mantra as described above awakens kundalini. The first chant purifies the left Nadi (meridian) or "Chandra Nadi". The second chant purifies right or "Surya Nadi" and the third one purifies the central Nadi or Sushumna. Kundalini awakened by the Mantra travels from Muladhara to Sahastrar. Requesting the Energy for Awakening of Kundalini should follow three sets of this Mantra. Meditation should be the next step, in which the attention is focused on top of the head and observe the vibrations in the body. Thus anyone irrespective of religion, cast , creed or color can chant as above and get benefits at physical, mental and spiritual levels. This can taught to others once the person himself practices and experiences the benefits.
Effects of the Mantra on Chakras : The chanting of Mantra purifies all seven Chakras and the effects on various chakras is as follows:
1. Ohm ............Muladhaara (end of the spine)
2. Shree..........Swadhisthan
3. Shiva...........Nabhi (Naval area)
4. Krupananda.....Heart
5. Swami..........Vishuddhi (throat)
6. Namo...........Agya (between eyebrows)
7. Namaha.........Sahastrar (top of the head)
Thus this powerful Mantra not only raises kundalini through the central channel but also purifies all chakras and three nadis so that one can easily get into a state of thoughtlessness during meditation. Once you become sensitive you can experience it yourself.
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