‘happiness’ and ‘facilities’ “喜悅”與“設備”
words ‘happiness’ and ‘facilities’ look similar but are not. There is a
vast difference between them. Happiness is a pure feeling of the soul
that cannot be bought. Nobody can give it nor can any body(physical
body) achieve it. Happiness is never got by the physical body. It rains
by the boundless grace of God. Happiness is that nectar-rain that is
obtained only in the proximity of God. Then it does not matter whether you are suitable for it or not, whether you are a girl or a boy.
Only thing that matters is that you forgotten your identity and are in the proximity of God.
Happiness is actually the proximity of God.
God (Supreme Soul) is a collectivity of souls. Any physical body,
individual that divides, spreads its existence among the collectivity of
souls tends to reflect the supreme soul and to us, he appears like God.
This appearance itself is the happiness of the soul and when the soul
experiences it,it becomes strong, starts controlling the body and
becomes your guide,Guru.
: Sadguru Shri Shivkrupanand Swamiji.
: Sadguru Shri Shivkrupanand Swamiji.

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