|| Jai Baba Swami ||




我們踏入中心前,都會被點上tilak(印度人點在額頭的紅點),以示歡迎。Sumathi大概也跟我們講一下關於新中心的發展狀況。接下來,就是火供。火供由新加坡沙瑪版的Manoj Bhai和他的太太Anisha Bhen主持,因爲師父的恩典,火供得以順利完成。整個中心充滿能量,我們能感受到師父與我們在一起。火供的火裏也呈現出嗡(Om)字。

火供完畢後,我們有一個集體靜心,總共有46位男女門徒。首先來一個破冰遊戲,把整個氣氛搞得更喜悅。有一些門徒也分享了自從參加沙瑪版靜心後,對他們的生活起了哪些改變。他們的分享,確實讓在座的每一位感動,深感在Swamiji’s 的扇下,我們都是被祝福的。

隔天早上,我們在度假酒店的一個空地進行集體靜心,過後再吃早餐。退房後,我們就去Ulu Langat瀑布。當我們抵達目的地時,我們爬了很多級的樓梯,才到達瀑布的源頭。當大家準備好了,就圍成一個圓圈,各自從水裏拿了一塊石頭把它放在頂輪上,然後一起念誦師父咒語。在當下我們感受到冷的能量和大自然的和諧。之後我們就沉浸在水裏,融入在水裏。這個體驗讓我們想起Swamiji的靈修裏,有一個這樣的經驗,他整個人(大概到肚臍)浸在深水裏。這是一個非常美麗的經驗,我們在瀑布快樂地渡過了幾個小時。
謝謝, Swamiji.
Jai Baba Swami.
Samarpan Singapore visits Samarpan Malaysia
|| Jai Baba Swami ||
Visiting our dear Samarpan Malaysia family in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, has always been in the books for us. So when the opportunity
presented itself, we knew we would go somehow and it would be good.
Initially, barely anyone could make it when the suggested
dates were on the Vesak day long weekend. We thought it would have been better
if it was a longer holiday but many of us already had prior plans. But when the
24th of May was announced, the numbers just increased and so did the
We left early morning on the 24th of May and soon
enough we reached Kuala Lumpur where we were received by Sumathi Bhen and the
rest of the Malaysian sadhaks and sadhikas. They brought us to hotel resort and
we checked in. After that, some of us relaxed while others had a meeting with
the Malaysia team regarding Swamiji’s visit in October.
Thereafter, we made our way to have a healthy and hearty
lunch that was prepared for us at a restaurant. There was a variety of food and
we all were happily satisfied. The atmosphere was very cheerful and even more
so because the next stop was the new centre.
We were welcomed with tilak and had an introduction by
Sumathi bhen who welcomed us and told us about the developments of the new
centre. She then told us that the next thing on the agenda was the fire
ceremony. Our Singapore centre acharya, Manoj Bhai and his wife Anisha Bhen
from Singapore carried it out successfully with Guru’s grace. The place was
filled with energy and we felt Swamiji’s proximity with us. This was also shown
through the Om sign that was formed in one of the havans.
Following the fire ceremony, we enjoyed collective meditation
with 46 sadhaks and sadhikas.. Then we played a little icebreaker game and the
atmosphere became even more cheerful. Different people also shared how Samarpan
Meditation came into their lives and how their lives had changed since then. It
was truly touching and we felt so blessed to be under Swamiji’s umbrella.
During dinnertime, we all gathered and interacted. Some were
meeting others after a long time and some were getting to know others for the
very first time. It felt like a family gathering. After eating, we enjoyed
cleaning up and went back to the hotel to rest for the night.
The next morning, we started our day with group meditation
and then had breakfast. We checked out soon after and left to spend some time
with nature at Ulu Langat waterfall. We reached there and climbed up the steps
to reach the source of the waterfall. After settling down, we went into
the water and started picking a stone each for ourselves. We then stood in a
circle, placed the stones on our heads and chanted the guru mantra. We could
feel coolness and nature’s peaceful presence. Then we went into the water and
merged with the waterfall. For many of us, this experience reminded us of
Swamiji being submerged in navel-deep water during his sadhana. It was a beautiful
experience and we felt really happy to be there.
When it was time, we left for a delicious lunch and then
started our journey back to Singapore but not before dinner at the AMMA
restaurant at Johor Bahru. In all, it was a beautiful weekend and we feel so
grateful for the lovely time spent with our family in Malaysia and with each
other. Since the trip, we too feel closer to each other on a deeper
Thank you, Swamiji.
Jai Baba Swami.
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