Wednesday 21 May 2014


去年的衛塞節我在印度度過,今年的衛塞節在家度過,這一天也同樣讓自己過得充實快樂。靜心和閲讀是我獨處時最愛做的事。衛塞節那天,看Samarpan Yog時看到以下的一段話,覺得蠻有意思的,除了記下來提醒自己也希望跟有緣人分享。


 我坐在火車上思考,想象我的生命就像一本書, 這本書是打開以及空白的。每一個人都填寫書的一頁然後離開。當一個好人來到,他們會在書頁裏寫下好的東西;當一個壞人來到,他們會在書頁裏寫下不好的東西。現在,我不曉得有多少人會出現在我的生命中,他們會在書頁(我的生命)裏填寫好的以及不好的事情。現在取決於我要讀生命的哪一頁,是否是好的一頁或是不好的一頁。如果我讀好的那一頁,我會快樂如果我讀不好的那一,我會難過。這兩頁都存在我的生命裏,永遠保留在裏面。但是問題是我會選擇讀哪一頁。我覺得整個生命中最主要的事,就是這個讀哪一頁的選擇。但我在心理上,已經決定只看我生命中,寫上好事情的那一頁;而我也將在別人的書裏,留下好的印象。在這裡,不管我是否還活著,是沒有分別的。這些印象會永遠保留在人們的書裏,而他們也會因爲讀了好東西而開心。如果人們快樂,我也會因爲可以成爲給與別人快樂的媒介而開心。我無法掌控別人在我生命書頁裏寫些什麽。任何人都可以來到,寫下任何他們所想的;至於在別人的書里寫些什麽,卻在我手中。我將只寫讓人覺得開心的内容。

In life, there are several people who come and go, but some people leave lasting impressions in a short while; and those impressions are permanent. They remain with us all our life. We meet some good people and they leave behind a good impression, but bad people leave behind a bad impression.

I was seated in the train and thought - imagine that my life is like an open book, a book which is open and empty too. Every individual fills the book with his pages and then leaves. When good people come, they write good things in it; when bad people come, they write bad things in it. And now in my life, I don't know how many people will come; and they will fill the pages in the book that is my life, with some good things and some bad things. Now it depends on me which pages of my life I read; whether I will read the good pages or the bad pages, I will be happy if I read the good pages and sad if I read the bad pages. Both kinds of pages are present in the book that is my life and will always remain in it. But the question is of which pages I select to read. I felt as if the essence of one's whole life is in selecting what one should read. But I had mentally decided that I would read only the pages about good things in my life and I would leave the good impressions will always remain. It makes no difference whether I remain alive or not. But these impressions will always remain in the books of other people and people will be happy after reading the same. If people are happy, then I too will be happy that I could become a medium and give happiness to others. What will be written in the book in the form of my life is not my hands, Anyone can come and write whatever he desires, But what is to be written in other people's books is in my hands; and I will write only that, so that people can be happy.

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