Tuesday 27 May 2014

我們怎樣認出靈魂的内在聲音呢? How can we recognise the voice of our soul?



今天早上,無意中看到 Vivekanand分享Swamiji回答的答案,哈哈,你看,Sobana,Swamiji解答了我們的疑惑。太妙了!感恩!

Question : Sometimes we are placed in situations where we can’t understand which is the voice of our soul. We receive guidance about several people at the same time, so how can we recognise the voice of our soul?

Answer : It’s not like that. If you have surrendered to one Guru only – the word for it is infinite faith – then you’ll never hear ten different voices. The fact that you can hear several voices means that your chitta is divided. It is divided in 10 different places; we believe in 10 ten different people. It means that we are connected to 10 different places, and we are absorbing energy from 10 different places. Thus if you behave like this, what will happen is that you won’t get a whole rupee from any place. We place surrender worth 10 paisa (1/10th rupee) in all places and expect one rupee’s worth in return. How will that be possible? You will get one rupee’s worth when you make an offering of one rupee at some place.

Similarly, when we concentrate everything we possess only in one place, we’ll get 100% results; otherwise you’ll keep on getting such voices. Then you’ll continue to get confused about whether this is right or that is right. Therefore get connected to one collectivity only with a feeling of full concentration. Look! You can get connected to any medium; but get connected to that completely, to any one place. You get connected to 10 different places and then you get disturbed and it does not yield any results.

Sadguru Shree Shivkrupanand Swamiji

* God has given us so many good things but we do not realize it. Why do we keep complaining about sorrows?

* Learn to appreciate the God’s gifts in your life. This will give you a positive outlook.

* Spiritual progress gets adversely affected if we keep complaining.

* However do not loose your mental peace (balance) at any cost.
You should not allow small incidents, minor discords to disturb Your peace of mind. You must remain balanced.
Peace of mind will result in state of spiritual balance and as a result everything will be all right.
Article's link 



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