7月27日(星期六)收到Jayesh Whatsapp 我以下非常好的簡訊,,超愛的。 是的,我的心必須要保持純淨和平靜。即使別人怎麽對我,我對他仍然要擁有好的感覺。每個人都帶著自己的自我與問題生活,所以人與人相處才會出現問題。不需改變別人,我也不需滿足任何人的需求,有些事情不是我能控制的,只能常常覺察自己的心,做好自己,其餘的就順其自然吧!加油!!!
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
沙瑪版靜心 Samarpan Meditation
沙瑪版靜心是一個與宇宙意識連接的簡易靜心方法。它超越 宗教也被世界各地的人以它作為練習。沙瑪版靜心是由來自 印度的當代靈性大師,室利。古巴。南達 。斯瓦米所教導。沙瑪版是臣服的意思(臣服一切負面的, 自我以及過去和未來的思想)讓我們能經驗到與神連接。一 旦我們全然地臣服一切,忘記肉體的存在而認同自己为纯净 靈魂,头脑是静止的没有任何思想,我们就達到無念狀態。
無念狀態是靜心的起點。靜心是一個從粗躁到微妙的内在之 旅。一旦我們誤以爲自己只是一具有思想,情緒,表面想法 的身體,我們就無法與神連接;反之當我們覺察到自己是純 淨的靈魂才能與宇宙意識連接。
靜心意味著我們要全然忘記肉體的存在,以達到與宇宙意識 合一。一旦宇宙能量在我們的内在開始流動,就能體驗到純 然的喜悅。就如語言不足以形容花朵的芬芳,同樣的,永恒 喜悅的體驗也無法透過語言而表達出來。沙瑪版靜心是一個 讓我們能與宇宙能量合一的練習。純粹的意愿将讓你經驗到昆达里尼能量被喚醒,那是我们每个人内在的神性。一旦 我們的内在神性被喚醒并且与宇宙意识连结,就能體驗神, 而一个内在蛻變的旅程就開始了。沙瑪版靜心是一個透過體 驗,靜心而得以經驗到内在蛻變的旅程。
經常靜心会帶給個人完全的平衡。一個人只有在平衡時才有 能力與神連接,然后他的生活也會平衡。這樣他就能在身體 ,心理,社會及心靈各層次方面得到成長,并且體驗完整, 生活上所面临的種種問題也才能得到解決。
身體層面:一旦你的靜心層次提升,你可以完全免於疾病, 身體的免疫力也隨之增強。
生理層面:它讓你免于種種生理問題如:壓力,恐懼,擔心 ,罪惡感,沮喪等等。讓你的思想不再受困于過去悲惨的遭 遇和對於未來的擔憂。經由活在當下讓你享有快樂與平安的 生活。
社會層面:在生活上,你會感到滿足,平安和喜悅;在工作 上,你可以在完全平衡的狀態下達到成功。你會享受平穩和 内在完整的感覺。
心靈層面:经由靜心你能達到無念狀態。透過神的恩典,你 會體驗靈魂的頻率振動,并且逐漸開始得到靈性的體驗而引 導你走向自我覺醒。
Samarpan Meditation is a simple way of Meditation which connects us with Universal Consciousness. It is beyond the realm of religion and is practiced by peoples around the world. Samarpan Meditation is taught by His Holiness Shivkrupanand Swami, a living Divine Master from India. Samarpan means surrender (of negativity, of the ego and of thoughts of the past and the future) so that we may experience connection with the divine. When we surrender everything, forget our physical existence and identify ourselves as pure soul mind become still there are no thoughts we are in thoughtless state.
Thoughtless state is a beginning point of Meditation. Meditation is an inward journey, journey from gross to the subtle. It is not possible to connect with the Divine as long as we identify ourselves as a body (with thoughts, emotions and perceptions at the surface of mind). We have to realize ourselves as a pure soul to get connected to the Universal Consciousness.
Meditation means to forget our physical existence completely and become one with the Universal Consciousness. At such a time we experience the pure joy as universal energy starts flowing within. Just as words are insufficient to describe the scents of flowers in the same way the experience of this eternal joy cannot be expressed through words. Samarpan Meditation is a practice which unites us with the Universal Energy, with pure wish you will experience the awakening of Kundalini Energy the part of divine that is in each one of us, then connecting our awakened Divine energy within, with Universal Divine Consciousness we experience the divinity and process of inner transformation begins. Samarpan Meditation is a path of Experience, meditate and experience an internal transformation.
Regular meditation brings about complete balance in an individual, When a person is balanced and able to connect with the Divine, then his/her life becomes balanced and it is then possible to grow physically, mentally, socially and spiritually and to experience wholeness and the resolving of problems in each of these areas of life.
At physical Level : As your level of meditation improves you are completely freed from diseases and the level of immunity increases in your healthy body.
At Mental Level : It leads to freedom from mental problems like stress, fears, worries, feelings of guilt and depression. You are free from thoughts of tragic incidents of the past and future worries. You can lead a happy and peaceful life by living in the present.
At Social Level : You gain satisfaction, peace and joy in your life and can work in a fully balanced state and be successful. You enjoy stability and feel a sense of completeness within yourself.
At Spiritual Level : Through meditation you achieve a state of thoughtlessness, experience the vibrations of your soul and gradually start getting spiritual experiences leading to self-realization through the grace of Divine.
Samarpan Meditation is a simple way of Meditation which connects us with Universal Consciousness. It is beyond the realm of religion and is practiced by peoples around the world. Samarpan Meditation is taught by His Holiness Shivkrupanand Swami, a living Divine Master from India. Samarpan means surrender (of negativity, of the ego and of thoughts of the past and the future) so that we may experience connection with the divine. When we surrender everything, forget our physical existence and identify ourselves as pure soul mind become still there are no thoughts we are in thoughtless state.
Thoughtless state is a beginning point of Meditation. Meditation is an inward journey, journey from gross to the subtle. It is not possible to connect with the Divine as long as we identify ourselves as a body (with thoughts, emotions and perceptions at the surface of mind). We have to realize ourselves as a pure soul to get connected to the Universal Consciousness.
Meditation means to forget our physical existence completely and become one with the Universal Consciousness. At such a time we experience the pure joy as universal energy starts flowing within. Just as words are insufficient to describe the scents of flowers in the same way the experience of this eternal joy cannot be expressed through words. Samarpan Meditation is a practice which unites us with the Universal Energy, with pure wish you will experience the awakening of Kundalini Energy the part of divine that is in each one of us, then connecting our awakened Divine energy within, with Universal Divine Consciousness we experience the divinity and process of inner transformation begins. Samarpan Meditation is a path of Experience, meditate and experience an internal transformation.
Regular meditation brings about complete balance in an individual, When a person is balanced and able to connect with the Divine, then his/her life becomes balanced and it is then possible to grow physically, mentally, socially and spiritually and to experience wholeness and the resolving of problems in each of these areas of life.
At physical Level : As your level of meditation improves you are completely freed from diseases and the level of immunity increases in your healthy body.
At Mental Level : It leads to freedom from mental problems like stress, fears, worries, feelings of guilt and depression. You are free from thoughts of tragic incidents of the past and future worries. You can lead a happy and peaceful life by living in the present.
At Social Level : You gain satisfaction, peace and joy in your life and can work in a fully balanced state and be successful. You enjoy stability and feel a sense of completeness within yourself.
At Spiritual Level : Through meditation you achieve a state of thoughtlessness, experience the vibrations of your soul and gradually start getting spiritual experiences leading to self-realization through the grace of Divine.
Monday, 29 July 2013
一直都很希望去參加GuruPurnima ,但沒去成,結果在夢中實現了。在那裏我看見了很多朋友和中學的一些老師。
一直都很希望去參加GuruPurnima ,但沒去成,結果在夢中實現了。在那裏我看見了很多朋友和中學的一些老師。
沒想到一個太太看在眼裏,看到我坐,,她笑得很開心對我說: You are a good girl。 我微笑回答他: No, I just give up seat to who need.
沒想到一個太太看在眼裏,看到我坐,,她笑得很開心對我說: You are a good girl。 我微笑回答他: No, I just give up seat to who need.
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
我是純淨的靈魂,我是神聖的靈魂 I'm a pure soul, I'm a holy soul
師父苦口婆心常常提醒我們要記得:我是純淨的靈魂,我是神聖的靈魂 I'm a pure soul, I'm a holy soul
今早在靜心時,反復不斷提醒自己: “我是純淨的靈魂,我是神聖的靈魂。”
今早在靜心時,反復不斷提醒自己: “我是純淨的靈魂,我是神聖的靈魂。”
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
師父節的靜心體驗 (Gurupurnima meditation experience)
22/7/13 是師父節Gurupurnima。
晚上七點半,中心跟印度直接連綫,我們很幸運地可以聽到Guruma兩個小時的現場演説。當晚的能量很強,在唱誦Guru Mantra的時候,身體就感覺到冷能量。當晚一直都感覺到冷的能量,能量強到讓我眼睛無法張開,進入很沉的靜心,感覺非常好。
晚上七點半,中心跟印度直接連綫,我們很幸運地可以聽到Guruma兩個小時的現場演説。當晚的能量很強,在唱誦Guru Mantra的時候,身體就感覺到冷能量。當晚一直都感覺到冷的能量,能量強到讓我眼睛無法張開,進入很沉的靜心,感覺非常好。
Monday, 22 July 2013
您, 醍醐灌頂的話語,我銘記在心,成爲我生活的最佳心靈藥方。
Friday, 19 July 2013
小天使,但願我和你一樣可以把愛和快樂帶給我所遇見的每一個人,即使是陌生人。謝謝你,祝福你 。~
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Happiness Is Not Always
See the dictionary under the letter ‘h’ — only there will you always find happiness. In life things are very mixed up. Day and night are together, so are happiness and unhappiness. Life and death are together, so is everything. Life is rich because of polar opposites. The very idea that one would like to be happy forever is stupid. the very idea will create only unhappiness and nothing else. You will become more and more miserable because more and more you will be missing your so-called eternal happiness.
Your greed is too much.
Then who is the happy person? The happy person is not one who is always happy. The happy person is one who is happy even when there is unhappiness. Try to understand it. The happy person is one who understands life and accepts its polarities. He knows success is possible only because failure is also possible. So when failure comes he accepts it.
I remember one incident of my childhood. A great wrestler had come to my town. Everybody was very interested in wrestling, so the whole town had gathered. I have seen many people and many wrestlers in my life but he was really rare. He had something of Zen in him.
For ten days the wrestling continued, and every day he defeated a famous wrestler. Finally he was declared to be the winner. The day he was declared to be the winner he went around and touched the feet of all the ten persons whom he had defeated.
Everybody was puzzled about why he did it. I was a small child, I went to him and I asked him, ‘Why did you do that? This is strange.’
He said, ‘It is only because of them that I am victorious. If they had not allowed themselves to be defeated, I would not be victorious. So I owe it to them. My victory depends on their defeat, so really I feel greatly thankful to them. There was only one possibility: either I was to be defeated or they were to be defeated. And they are good people, they accepted defeat.’
This is a very Sufi or Zen idea. Things are interdependent: failure/success, happiness/unhappiness, summer/winter, youth/old age, beauty/ugliness — all are interdependent, they exist together. And the man who starts seeking one pole against the other pole is getting into unnecessary trouble. It is not possible, he is desiring the impossible; and he will get very frustrated.
Then what should the attitude be? When happiness comes, enjoy happiness; when unhappiness comes, enjoy unhappiness. When there is happiness, dance with it; when there is unhappiness, cry with it. That’s what I mean when I say ‘Enjoy’. Unhappiness is a must. If you can accept unhappiness as smoothly as you welcome happiness, you will transcend both. In that very acceptance is transcendence. Then unhappiness and happiness will not make much difference to you, you will remain the same. When there is sadness you will have a taste of it; and when there is joy you will have a taste of it. And sometimes bitter things also taste beautiful.
And sadness has something of depth in it which no happiness can ever have. Happiness has something shallow. Laughter always looks shallow, tears always look deep. If you want to be happy always you will become a shallow person, a superficial person. Sometimes it is good to fall into the depths, dark depths, dismal depths of sadness. Both are good. And one should be total in both. Whatsoever happens, go totally into it. When crying, become the crying, and when dancing, become the dance. Then the ultimate happens to you. By and by you forget the distinction between what happiness is and what unhappiness is. You enjoy both! So by and by the distinction disappears. And when the distinction has disappeared, there arises something which is eternally there, which remains always there. That is witnessing.
Article link
See the dictionary under the letter ‘h’ — only there will you always find happiness. In life things are very mixed up. Day and night are together, so are happiness and unhappiness. Life and death are together, so is everything. Life is rich because of polar opposites. The very idea that one would like to be happy forever is stupid. the very idea will create only unhappiness and nothing else. You will become more and more miserable because more and more you will be missing your so-called eternal happiness.
Your greed is too much.
Then who is the happy person? The happy person is not one who is always happy. The happy person is one who is happy even when there is unhappiness. Try to understand it. The happy person is one who understands life and accepts its polarities. He knows success is possible only because failure is also possible. So when failure comes he accepts it.
I remember one incident of my childhood. A great wrestler had come to my town. Everybody was very interested in wrestling, so the whole town had gathered. I have seen many people and many wrestlers in my life but he was really rare. He had something of Zen in him.
For ten days the wrestling continued, and every day he defeated a famous wrestler. Finally he was declared to be the winner. The day he was declared to be the winner he went around and touched the feet of all the ten persons whom he had defeated.
Everybody was puzzled about why he did it. I was a small child, I went to him and I asked him, ‘Why did you do that? This is strange.’
He said, ‘It is only because of them that I am victorious. If they had not allowed themselves to be defeated, I would not be victorious. So I owe it to them. My victory depends on their defeat, so really I feel greatly thankful to them. There was only one possibility: either I was to be defeated or they were to be defeated. And they are good people, they accepted defeat.’
This is a very Sufi or Zen idea. Things are interdependent: failure/success, happiness/unhappiness, summer/winter, youth/old age, beauty/ugliness — all are interdependent, they exist together. And the man who starts seeking one pole against the other pole is getting into unnecessary trouble. It is not possible, he is desiring the impossible; and he will get very frustrated.
Then what should the attitude be? When happiness comes, enjoy happiness; when unhappiness comes, enjoy unhappiness. When there is happiness, dance with it; when there is unhappiness, cry with it. That’s what I mean when I say ‘Enjoy’. Unhappiness is a must. If you can accept unhappiness as smoothly as you welcome happiness, you will transcend both. In that very acceptance is transcendence. Then unhappiness and happiness will not make much difference to you, you will remain the same. When there is sadness you will have a taste of it; and when there is joy you will have a taste of it. And sometimes bitter things also taste beautiful.
And sadness has something of depth in it which no happiness can ever have. Happiness has something shallow. Laughter always looks shallow, tears always look deep. If you want to be happy always you will become a shallow person, a superficial person. Sometimes it is good to fall into the depths, dark depths, dismal depths of sadness. Both are good. And one should be total in both. Whatsoever happens, go totally into it. When crying, become the crying, and when dancing, become the dance. Then the ultimate happens to you. By and by you forget the distinction between what happiness is and what unhappiness is. You enjoy both! So by and by the distinction disappears. And when the distinction has disappeared, there arises something which is eternally there, which remains always there. That is witnessing.
Article link
奧修好文章分享 - How do I become strong and confident from within?
Much energy is wasted in fighting with oneself; in rejecting, in
condemning. Much energy is wasted. If you start accepting yourself, you
become a reservoir of energy because then the conflict ceases; then
there is no civil war; then you are one piece. Much energy is preserved,
and that overflowing energy is creativity.
A person who is in conflict with himself can never be creative. He is destructive, he is destroying himself, and through himself he will destroy others also. All his relationships will be poisoned. The most basic and the most fundamental commandment is to love oneself. I don’t say only accept, because that word is not enough — you can accept and you may not love. You may accept, because what can be done? — you are in a deep helplessness, but that is not acceptance.
Unless you accept yourself as a blessing, unless you accept and welcome yourself, unless you accept yourself in deep gratitude, unless you love yourself, you will never become an overflowing energy. Then the energy can flow in song, in dance, in painting. A thousand and one ways of creativity can be found; or it can simply flow in deep silence. And whomsoever comes in contact with that deep silence will be transformed and will hear for the first time the music which is celestial. So not only accept, but accept with deep gratitude.
Be thankful that God has made you you, and not anybody else. Everybody has a unique function to fulfill, that’s why he exists. And when I say everybody, I mean everybody. A Judas is as much needed as a Jesus. Without Judas, Jesus will be poorer; something will be missing in the story. So Jesus has to be thankful to Judas also. Not only accept yourself, but accept everybody else as he is. God knows better.
Article Link
A person who is in conflict with himself can never be creative. He is destructive, he is destroying himself, and through himself he will destroy others also. All his relationships will be poisoned. The most basic and the most fundamental commandment is to love oneself. I don’t say only accept, because that word is not enough — you can accept and you may not love. You may accept, because what can be done? — you are in a deep helplessness, but that is not acceptance.
Unless you accept yourself as a blessing, unless you accept and welcome yourself, unless you accept yourself in deep gratitude, unless you love yourself, you will never become an overflowing energy. Then the energy can flow in song, in dance, in painting. A thousand and one ways of creativity can be found; or it can simply flow in deep silence. And whomsoever comes in contact with that deep silence will be transformed and will hear for the first time the music which is celestial. So not only accept, but accept with deep gratitude.
Be thankful that God has made you you, and not anybody else. Everybody has a unique function to fulfill, that’s why he exists. And when I say everybody, I mean everybody. A Judas is as much needed as a Jesus. Without Judas, Jesus will be poorer; something will be missing in the story. So Jesus has to be thankful to Judas also. Not only accept yourself, but accept everybody else as he is. God knows better.
Article Link
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
轉文~Pay it forward 讓愛傳出去
看了這篇文章,心裏感到非常開心與感動,世界各個角落都在散發著愛的光芒。 感謝慧琪讓我能借由她寫的文章,讓愛傳出去。 感恩~
Pay it forward 讓愛傳出去
Pay it forward 讓愛傳出去
YES! 加油吧!繼續努力!活出更亮麗的自己。

YES! 加油吧!繼續努力!活出更亮麗的自己。

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